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OneGreatFamily Guest Newsletter

February 8, 2007

You Can Rely On OneGreatFamily To Find Your Ancestors

In This Issue:

You Can Rely On OneGreatFamily To Find Your Ancestors

OneGreatFamily Is A Genealogy Resource For Everyone To Use

OneGreatFamily is a great resource for anybody, from the first-time enthusiast to the professional doing client research. OneGreatFamily Tree isn't just another collection of family trees, but instead is a single, unified global family tree. The system is constantly working to merge all entered individuals into one family tree through our patented matching system.

OneGreatFamily offers:

  • A full genealogy program (Genealogy Browser™) that lets you enter, edit and print your genealogy information.
  • Patented multi-generational searching technology that works around the clock to search your family tree.
  • Access to one of the largest single, unified human family trees in the world, encompassing over 130,000,000 unique individuals.
  • Collaboration with tens of thousands of other genealogists and family history enthusiasts.
  • Protection and preservation of your precious family data by storing it in our secure system.
  • Access to your family tree anywhere you have internet access.
  • Peace of Mind - Even if you don't have time to work on your genealogy, you'll know that tens of thousands of others are continuing the work, and you'll benefit from their efforts.
  • Much, much more.....

OneGreatFamily Tip: Printing Reports from OneGreatFamily

See All The Printing Options You Have At OneGreatFamily

Genealogists have always craved and appreciated ways to share their research with others. Printing has often filled that need. Printing is also a great way to backup and record your genealogy. For many of us, our progress isn't realized until we have successfully printed hard copies of records, pedigrees, pictures, and other genealogical data. Sharing and reviewing printed documents has always been one of the best parts of genealogy. We hope this information will help you when exploring all of the printing options offered with OneGreatFamily.

How to Print In Genealogy Browser:

Choose the ancestor that you would like to print the information for and set them as the anchor in the Handprint view. In the "File" menu on Genealogy Browser click "Print." You will see the following menu pop up:

Choose any one of these options to print your ancestor's information. You can click the "Print Preview" button to view the document before you print it. Here is a preview of what the forms and charts look like:

Family Record Form:

Pedigree 5 Generation Chart:

Pedigree Wall Chart
(As Shown in the Starfield View):

Note: The Pedigree Wall Chart (as Shown in the Starfield View) is a highly customizable chart.  Next week’s newsletter will include an article outlining more of the options on this incredible chart.  But understand for now that the print out will look as you configure it in the Starfield™.  For example, you can change the number of generations shown by changing the “# of Generations to show” selector on the toolbar or change the pedigree chart into an hourglass chart (showing the ancestors and descendants of the anchor person) by clicking on the “Show Descendents of the Selected Individual” button in the toolbar. 

Use Print Preview to view exactly how the information will print on paper. Also, remember that you can print as many or as few generations as you want. When printing the Starfield, you can print what we commonly call a wall chart. This means that you print your Starfield large enough to fill an entire wall! If your printer uses standard 8 1/2" by 11" paper, a wall chart can be created by taping the pages together.

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"Making Genealogy Magic"

Korean War Records

by Mandy Mathews, Family Historian

Coming forward in history, the Korean War is the next mass record collection available for research. As many of the soldiers who fought in this war are still living, most of these records are held within the U.S. Privacy Act, unless you are a direct descendent. The records readily available deal mainly with casualty lists, prisoners of war, and obituaries. The Casualties of War records cover the years between 1950 and 1957. The Prisoner of War records span from 1950 to 1954.

These records are accessible in several different places; the United States National Archives at, the LDS Family History Libraries, and various subscription websites.

Beneficial information extracted from these records includes:

  • Name
  • Rank or grade
  • Branch of service
  • Home of record - city, town, or county and state
  • Date of casualty
  • Category of casualty

As with most other U.S. Military records, there are many other databases and websites available. Several states have published records available on each of the wars and the servicemen from their state. Another beneficial search method for military records is newspapers. Often times you will find lists of soldiers from their hometown newspaper. This is a valuable resource because you can find announcements of their enlistment, deployment, injuries, casualties, and achievements.

Thinking out of the box when doing genealogy research is very important. You often find what you are looking for in the least expected location.

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One Great Genealogy Site Award

JMK Genealogy Gifts

JMK Genealogy Gifts has unique merchandise, clothing & gift ideas for everyone with an interest in genealogy & family history. The perfect birthday or holiday gift for the genealogist! Get your genealogy t-shirt, hat, mouse pad and mug here and show the world how much you care about your ancestors. Serving customers in 11 countries across 6 continents.

  • Visit JMK Genealogy Gifts today
  • See Past Award Recipients
  • Recommend A Site Award Recipient

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    Managing Editor: Heather Matthews
    Contributors: Heather Matthews, Mandy Mathews and Rob Armstrong
    Editor: Eric Hoffman

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    "Only a Genealogist regards a step backwards as progress. "